Our Community
We are proudly part of the community of the Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup. We participate in community events such as the Donnybrook Apple Festival held at Easter every year and hold an annual Open Day.
Each year families are confronted with the decision about what type of child care is best for their children. To help families negotiate the child care sector, the following information may help you decide what type of care is applicable for your family situation.
Parents and the community are often unaware of the difference between commercial (for-profit) and community-owned (not-for-profit) children’s services. Community-owned children’s services are owned by parents committees or community groups, rather than by individuals or private companies. They operate on a cost-recovery, not for profit basis by voluntary parent and community committees of management. Any operating surplus is directed back to the childcare service. There are no owners, directors or shareholders requiring a financial return on investment.
This means that every cent you pay as a parent for your children’s daycare is directed into services, staff and equipment that supports your children.
Community-owned services are unique because
- Parents Influence Decision Making
- Parents have input into decisions and policies that affect the care and education of their children.
- Parents influence financial management decisions to ensure that all resources are used to maintain quality.
- Quality is Assured
- Quality care is provided beyond minimum standards and regulations.
- Ongoing training and development is provided to staff to assure quality.
- Community Involvement
- All families from the community have access to the service.
- Parents facing difficulties have direct access to other services in the community.
- Provides opportunities for informal and formal links with the community.